
Nostalgie provides an integrated authentication and authorization solution for any OpenID-compliant issuer.

The functionality is exposed by the nostalgie/auth module.

import { useAuth, withRequiredAuthentication } from 'nostalgie/auth';

Enabling the auth module

To enable Nostalgie's auth functionality, the following values must be configured in the environment:

# The OpenID issuer
# The ClientID and Secrets for your Nostalgie application
# A long, random string used to encrypt and sign session cookies

The useAuth hook

The useAuth hook returns the current authentication state:

export interface ClientAuthAuthenticated {
  isAuthenticated: true;
  credentials: {
    audience?: string;
    claims: IdTokenClaims;
    scope: string[];
    user: UserinfoResponse;
    idToken: string;
    accessToken: string;
  loginUrl: string;
  logoutUrl: string;

export interface ClientAuthUnauthenticated {
  isAuthenticated: false;
  error?: unknown;
  loginUrl: string;
  logoutUrl: string;

export type ClientAuth = ClientAuthAuthenticated | ClientAuthUnauthenticated;

For example, a React function component might make a decision based on the .isAuthenticated value to show a user menu or a login form in the nav bar.

The withRequiredAuthentication higher-order component

The withRequiredAuthentication HOC can be used to wrap other components so that these only render when the user is authenticated. Additional conditions can be provided such as the user being authenticated with a given scope and / or audience:

function AdminDashboard() {
  return <p>Imagine this was a glorious admin dashboard</p>;

export default withRequiredAuthentication(AdminDashboard, {
  audience: '',
  scope: ['admin'],

Authenticating and authorizing server functions

When authentication is enabled in a Nostalgie app, the current auth state is automatically provide on the .auth property of the first, ctx argument. See the Server Functions Context.